
Resources and analysis for my master's thesis

Project maintained by dsethlewis Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

This is the website for my master’s thesis, titled “Stigmatized but trusted: Paradoxical effects of ADHD disclosure in interdependent relationships.” Download the final version.

Primary Materials

  1. Data tidying

  2. Data cleaning and QA

  3. Sample Description

  4. Measurement Assessment

  5. Manipulation Checks

  6. Descriptive Statistics

  7. Hypothesis Tests

  8. Hypothesis Tests with Full Sample

  9. Exploratory Analyses

  10. Structural Equation Modeling Output

Additional Materials

Analysis Pre-Work: Descriptive statistics

Analysis Pre-Work: Inferential statistics

In-Progress Manipulation Checks

Mediation Analysis: Disclosure -> Liking via Trust

Correlation Matrix