I collected data on a number of categorical variables not directly connected to my hypotheses. Using those variables, there are a few types of exploratory analyses I’d like to undertake here.
First, I want to collect some basic descriptive statistics on the additional variables to cite in the participants’ section of the thesis.
Second, I want to know if any of the additional variables correlate with my three measured variables.
Third, I want to know if any of them should be used as controls in my hypothesis tests.
The extra variables I have are:
: male or femaleethnic
: standard racial categories used in the United Statesage
: standard economic measure of employment statuseducat
: the highest degree earnedparty
: political stance on left-right spectrumadhd
: who the participant knows with ADHDwork
: work history with white-, blue-, and pink-collar occupationsFor all of the above, participants could click ‘Other’ and write in whatever they chose. A small, but significant, number of participants chose to do so.
As usual, I will load my packages and import the data.
<- readRDS(file.path("..", "data", "hq-data.rds"))
adhd.data <- readRDS("format.rds") formatAsTable
<- c("gender", "ethnic", "age", "employ",
extra "educat", "party", "adhd", "work")
adhd.data select(extra) %>%
head formatAsTable
gender | ethnic | age | employ | educat | party | adhd | work |
Male | White or Caucasian | 27 | Full-time | Bachelor's degree | Moderate | Family member,Acquaintance | service |
Male | White or Caucasian | 30 | Full-time | Bachelor's degree | Conservative | I do not know anyone with ADHD | professional |
Male | White or Caucasian | 33 | Full-time | Bachelor's degree | Conservative | Prefer not to answer | professional |
Female | White or Caucasian | 54 | Full-time | High school diploma | Liberal | Friend | service |
Male | Hispanic or Latino | 40 | Full-time | Other | Liberal | Myself,Friend | Prefer not to answer |
Male | Other | 34 | Full-time | Bachelor's degree | Moderate | Family member,Friend,Acquaintance | service |
adhd.data count(gender) %>%
gender | n |
Female | 205 |
Male | 195 |
Other | 1 |
Prefer not to answer | 2 |
adhd.data select(contains("ethnic_") & !ethnic_5_text) %>%
map_int(sum) %>%
enframe("var", "count") %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
var | count |
ethnic_white | 312 |
ethnic_asian | 48 |
ethnic_black | 31 |
ethnic_hispanic | 22 |
ethnic_other | 4 |
ethnic_prefer | 2 |
<- function() {
plotTheme theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = '#3b434f'),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#3b434f'),
text = element_text(color = "wheat"),
panel.grid = element_line(color = "wheat"),
axis.text = element_text(color = "wheat"))
adhd.data ggplot(aes(age)) +
geom_histogram(fill = "antiquewhite4") +
adhd.data count(employ) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
employ | n |
Full-time | 263 |
Part-time | 56 |
Not currently working or looking for work | 24 |
Unemployed | 23 |
Other | 15 |
Student | 11 |
Prefer not to answer | 10 |
Temporary | 1 |
adhd.data count(party) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
party | n |
Liberal | 190 |
Conservative | 103 |
Moderate | 100 |
Other | 6 |
Prefer not to answer | 4 |
adhd.data select(contains("adhd_") & !contains("text")) %>%
map_int(sum) %>%
enframe("var", "count") %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
var | count |
adhd_nobody | 134 |
adhd_friend | 134 |
adhd_family | 124 |
adhd_acquaintance | 85 |
adhd_myself | 42 |
adhd_coworker | 42 |
adhd_classmate | 17 |
adhd_prefer | 8 |
<- c("friend", "family", "acquaintance",
somebody.vars "coworker", "classmate") %>%
paste0("adhd_", .)
<- adhd.data %>%
adhd.data rowwise() %>%
mutate(adhd_somebody = any(unlist(across(somebody.vars))),
adhd_simple = factor(ifelse(adhd_myself, "myself",
ifelse(adhd_somebody, "somebody",
adhd.data count(adhd_simple) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
adhd_simple | n |
somebody | 221 |
nobody | 140 |
myself | 42 |
adhd.data select(contains("work_") & !contains("text")) %>%
map_int(sum) %>%
enframe("var", "count") %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
var | count |
work_professional | 248 |
work_service | 179 |
work_manual | 75 |
work_other | 22 |
work_prefer | 16 |
adhd.data count(educat) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
educat | n |
Bachelor's degree | 190 |
High school diploma | 92 |
Master's degree | 54 |
Associate's degree | 52 |
Doctoral degree | 6 |
Other | 5 |
Prefer not to answer | 4 |
Output document:
options(knitr.duplicate.label = "allow")
rmarkdownoutput_dir = file.path("..", "github", "thesis"))