Set up working environment

As usual, I need to load the R packages I will be using.

# R Markdown

# Project

# Statistics

# Tidyverse

1. Reproducing the Thompson example

Importing the data

First, I will read in the Thompson data. I will also glance at the data to see what I’m working with.

tbl.1 <- read_excel(here('data', 'THOMPSON.xlsx'))

tbl.1[1:10, ] %>%
20 17 19 7 7 7 68 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1
21 20 15 8 7 5 89 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1
17 15 20 7 6 7 50 1 2 -1 -1 -1 1 1
16 14 13 8 5 5 85 1 2 -1 -1 -1 1 1
20 20 15 8 7 5 90 2 1 0 2 1 0 2
14 21 15 7 5 7 109 2 1 0 2 1 0 2
14 19 14 7 5 6 102 2 2 0 2 -1 0 -2
14 23 10 6 6 6 108 2 2 0 2 -1 0 -2
21 14 12 8 5 2 111 3 1 1 -1 1 1 -1
19 12 10 7 6 4 140 3 1 1 -1 1 1 -1
describe(tbl.1)[c('n', 'mean', 'sd', 'min', 'max')] %>%
n mean sd min max
CHA6 12 18.166667 3.2427074 14 24
INT6 12 18.083333 3.7769236 12 24
OTH6 12 14.250000 3.6958207 9 20
CHA2 12 7.250000 0.7537784 6 8
INT2 12 6.083333 0.9962049 5 8
OTH2 12 5.583333 1.6213537 2 8
IQ 12 101.250000 27.0861420 50 143
IQGRP 12 2.000000 0.8528029 1 3
EXPERGRP 12 1.500000 0.5222330 1 2
CIQGRP1 12 0.000000 0.8528029 -1 1
CIQGRP2 12 0.000000 1.4770979 -1 2
CEXGRP1 12 0.000000 1.0444659 -1 1
CIQBYEX1 12 0.000000 0.8528029 -1 1
CIQBYEX2 12 0.000000 1.4770979 -2 2

Aside from the ridiculously low \(n\), and one person with a low enough IQ that it could impair functioning during data collection, the data look alright.

Preliminary steps

Now, I will attempt to reproduce the canonical correlation analysis (CCA) presented by Thompson (1991). Unfortunately, I found Thompson’s explanation practically indecipherable, and Sherry & Henson (2005) provide only the SPSS syntax without explanation, so I fell back on using the R package CCA to automate the process (Gonzalez et al., 2008).

CCA first requires that dataframe subsets be transformed into matrices.

mtx.1.X <- as.matrix(tbl.1[1:3])
mtx.1.Y <- as.matrix(tbl.1[4:6])

Then, I need to verify that zero-order correlations are sufficiently high to warrant continue with CCA.

lst.1.cor <- matcor(mtx.1.X, mtx.1.Y)
## $Xcor
##             CHA6        INT6      OTH6
## CHA6 1.000000000 0.006185575 0.3223870
## INT6 0.006185575 1.000000000 0.1937516
## OTH6 0.322387044 0.193751553 1.0000000
## $Ycor
##           CHA2      INT2       OTH2
## CHA2  1.000000 0.2118620 -0.2045590
## INT2  0.211862 1.0000000  0.4174357
## OTH2 -0.204559 0.4174357  1.0000000
## $XYcor
##              CHA6         INT6      OTH6       CHA2      INT2       OTH2
## CHA6  1.000000000  0.006185575 0.3223870  0.5764844 0.7269948 -0.1239193
## INT6  0.006185575  1.000000000 0.1937516 -0.1037788 0.4570514  0.5851554
## OTH6  0.322387044  0.193751553 1.0000000  0.3997503 0.4629659  0.6561525
## CHA2  0.576484426 -0.103778841 0.3997503  1.0000000 0.2118620 -0.2045590
## INT2  0.726994814  0.457051406 0.4629659  0.2118620 1.0000000  0.4174357
## OTH2 -0.123919308  0.585155435 0.6561525 -0.2045590 0.4174357  1.0000000
img.matcor(lst.1.cor, type = 2)

While a few correlations are very low (e.g., CHA6 with INT6), most of the correlations are substantial. I think we have more than enough to work with.

Canonical correlation analysis

Finally, I can compute the canonical correlations.

lst.1.cca <- cc(mtx.1.X, mtx.1.Y)

Results in hand, I will try to match the tables to the results presented in Thompson (1991).

The first columns (corresponding to Function I) of xscores and yscores approximate the results in Table 2 from Thompson (1991) under CRIT1 and PRED1 respectively.

       lst.1.cca$scores[["yscores"]][,1]) %>%
  kable(col.names = c("xscores", "yscores"), digits = 5)
xscores yscores
0.81894 0.70811
0.85361 1.02946
0.12245 -0.01459
-0.97733 -0.41594
0.64646 1.02946
-0.50190 -0.73729
-0.80497 -0.87472
-0.88291 -0.74821
-0.05561 -0.82821
-0.88699 -0.42686
2.30922 2.16443
-0.64098 -0.88563

Next, the results for corr.X.xscores and corr.Y.yscores approximate the results of the columns labeled “Str.” in Table 3. I have pulled out the results for Function I as an example, but I checked the Function II and Function III results for completeness.

tibble(c("CHA", "INT", "OTH"),
       lst.1.cca$scores[["corr.Y.yscores"]][,1]) %>%
  kable(col.names = c("Variable", "Str. (X &#xFF5C; 6)", "Str. (Y &#xFF5C; 2)"), digits = 4)
Variable Str. (X | 6) Str. (Y | 2)
CHA 0.8098 0.5564
INT 0.4428 0.9082
OTH 0.7071 0.4314

At first I was worried because the canonical correlations do not seem to match. But then I realized that CCA produced unmodified correlations while Thompson (1991) presented only squared correlations.

tibble(Function = c("I", "II", "III"),
       Rc = lst.1.cca$cor,
       Rc2 = lst.1.cca$cor^2) %>%
  kable(digits = 4)
Function Rc Rc2
I 0.9322 0.8690
II 0.9082 0.8249
III 0.4026 0.1621

To substantively interpret the final results, we can say that the data from first scale explains about 87% of the variance in the data from the second scale.

2. Multivariate Multiple Regression Analysis

As before, I will begin by importing and viewing the data.

tbl.2 <- read_excel(here('data', 'TAHEALTH.xlsx'))

tbl.2[1:10, ] %>%
1.000 1.500 1.125 1.000000 2.755731 3.538168 2.911637 3.347454
2.000 1.875 1.125 1.000000 3.173576 4.676048 4.183934 4.227192
2.125 1.750 1.625 1.000000 3.744117 4.259478 4.545141 3.902141
1.375 1.750 1.250 1.000000 3.310074 4.149797 3.895149 3.979698
1.625 1.500 1.375 1.000000 4.086066 4.346248 4.545141 4.486582
1.875 2.000 1.375 1.000000 3.745104 3.930142 4.545141 4.027462
1.500 1.375 1.375 1.428571 2.879338 4.024731 3.707935 4.156733
1.500 1.875 1.375 1.000000 3.277082 4.103431 3.895149 3.850426
3.000 2.500 2.250 1.000000 3.793251 4.259266 4.545141 4.156733
1.375 1.750 1.125 1.000000 3.227344 3.766024 3.895149 4.227192
describe(tbl.2)[c('n', 'mean', 'sd', 'min', 'max')] %>%
n mean sd min max
ANX 211 1.652251 0.3380586 1.000000 3.000000
DEP 211 1.723934 0.3160895 1.000000 2.875000
SOM 211 1.545320 0.3105911 1.000000 3.250000
ANG 211 1.072444 0.1639939 1.000000 2.142857
BORSI 211 3.401333 0.4820000 1.746387 4.366041
BORHC 211 3.865833 0.4733333 2.359166 4.676048
FRATP 211 3.950000 0.4750000 2.911637 4.545141
FRAHC 211 3.930000 0.2850000 2.975834 4.486582

Next, I will compute a multivariate multiple regression (MMR) analysis, as described in Dwyer (1983).

fit.2 <- lm(cbind(ANX, DEP, SOM, ANG) ~ BORSI + BORHC + FRATP + FRAHC, tbl.2)
tidy(fit.2) %>%
response term estimate std.error statistic p.value
ANX (Intercept) 0.5868657 0.3198641 1.8347343 0.0679872
ANX BORSI 0.1888392 0.0518984 3.6386318 0.0003465
ANX BORHC -0.1259394 0.0627035 -2.0084914 0.0458968
ANX FRATP 0.2070872 0.0500461 4.1379271 0.0000511
ANX FRAHC 0.0233961 0.1037177 0.2255750 0.8217556
DEP (Intercept) 1.4286823 0.3183598 4.4876342 0.0000120
DEP BORSI 0.1418660 0.0516543 2.7464486 0.0065578
DEP BORHC -0.0788673 0.0624086 -1.2637243 0.2077572
DEP FRATP 0.1036491 0.0498108 2.0808588 0.0386832
DEP FRAHC -0.0742515 0.1032299 -0.7192832 0.4727816
SOM (Intercept) 1.0724915 0.3134619 3.4214409 0.0007511
SOM BORSI 0.1463901 0.0508596 2.8783157 0.0044196
SOM BORHC -0.1538801 0.0614485 -2.5042149 0.0130480
SOM FRATP 0.0613301 0.0490444 1.2505003 0.2125354
SOM FRAHC 0.0833405 0.1016417 0.8199432 0.4131962
ANG (Intercept) 0.8566223 0.1680347 5.0978897 0.0000008
ANG BORSI 0.0192166 0.0272639 0.7048378 0.4817073
ANG BORHC -0.0769388 0.0329401 -2.3357170 0.0204677
ANG FRATP 0.0596216 0.0262908 2.2677759 0.0243803
ANG FRAHC 0.0540424 0.0544862 0.9918561 0.3224313

If we interpret the general hypothesis that “the components of Type-A behavior are detrimental to health” as meaning that at least one \(b\) (excepting \(b_0\)) is significantly different from zero, the hypothesis is clearly supported. Only FRAHC does not significantly predict any health outcome (controlling for other predictors; \(\alpha = .05\)). This interpretation is equivalent to Hypothesis 1 described by Dwyer (1983).

Alternatively, we might hypothesize that all four independent variables together predict each of the four health outcomes. To consider that hypothesis, I will pull together the \(R^2\) values for the four models.

fit.2 %>%
  summary %>%
  map_dbl("r.squared") %>%
  enframe %>%
  rename(outcome = "name", R2 = "value") %>%
  mutate(outcome = str_trunc(outcome, 3, "left", ellipsis = "")) %>%
  kable(digits = 3)
outcome R2
ANX 0.190
DEP 0.082
SOM 0.078
ANG 0.050

The Type-A characteristics best predict anxiety, but even that has an \(R^2\) of only about 0.19, meaning that the Type-A predictors explain about 19% of the variance in anxiety in the sample. The other models have even poorer fit. However, all four models significantly fit the data.

A third hypothesis could be that each independent variable predicts all four health outcomes. To test this hypothesis, I will compute a MANOVA.

manova(cbind(ANX, DEP, SOM, ANG) ~ BORSI + BORHC + FRATP + FRAHC, tbl.2) %>%
  tidy %>%
term df pillai statistic num.df den.df p.value
BORSI 1 0.1215086 7.0194876 4 203 0.0000260
BORHC 1 0.0324961 1.7045695 4 203 0.1503327
FRATP 1 0.1028895 5.8205135 4 203 0.0001872
FRAHC 1 0.0150791 0.7769804 4 203 0.5413133
Residuals 206 NA NA NA NA NA

R uses Pillai’s trace and its corresponding F-statistic as the test statistic for each independent variable. The results suggest that BORSI and FRATP significantly predict health outcomes, while BORHC and FRAHC do not.

3. Canonical Correlation Analysis

In order to calculate Wilks’ lambda and Bartlett’s Chi-Square as an omnibus test, I need the four canonical correlations.

mtx.2.X <- as.matrix(tbl.2[5:8])
mtx.2.Y <- as.matrix(tbl.2[1:4])
lst.2 <- cc(mtx.2.X, mtx.2.Y)$cor^2

tibble(Function = c("I", "II", "III", "IV"),
       Rc2 = lst.2) %>%
  kable(digits = 4)
Function Rc2
I 0.1990
II 0.0259
III 0.0174
IV 0.0091

a. Wilks’ lambda

I will write a function to calculate Wilks’ lambda (\(W\)) and compute \(W\) for the first canonical correlation.

# This function takes a vector of canonical correlations and computes Wilks' lambda
fun.2.a <- function(ccs) {
  ccs %>%
    map_dbl(~ 1 - .) %>%

## [1] 0.7597165

b. Bartlett’s Chi-Square

I will write a second function that uses \(W\) to calculate a \(\chi^2\)-statistic and compute \(\chi^2\) for the first canonical correlation.

# This function takes the sample size (N), number of IVs (p), the number of DVs (q),
# and Wilks' lambda and computes Bartlett's Chi-Square (and a p-value)
fun.2.b <- function(N, p, q, W) {
  c <- -(N - 1 - .5 * (p + q + 1)) * log(W)
  c(chi.sq = c,
    p.val = pchisq(c, p*q, lower.tail = F))

fun.2.b(211, 4, 4, fun.2.a(lst.2))
##       chi.sq        p.val 
## 5.647343e+01 2.032111e-06

Clearly, that is significant, so I will proceed to test the remaining canonical correlations.

# This function takes a vector of canonical correlations and the sample size and returns
# all significant correlations, plus one
fun.2 <- function(ccs, N) {
  prob <- 0.0
  res <- tibble(ord = integer(), Rc2 = numeric(), W = numeric(),
                chi.sq = numeric(), p.val = numeric(), .rows = 0)
  while (prob < .05 && length(ccs) > 0) {
    w <- fun.2.a(ccs)
    c <- fun.2.b(N, length(ccs), length(ccs), w)
    prob <- c[[2]]
    res <- add_row(res, ord = 5 - length(ccs), Rc2 = ccs[[1]],
                   W = w, chi.sq = c[[1]], p.val = prob)
    ccs <- ccs[-1]

fun.2(lst.2, 211) %>%
ord Rc2 W chi.sq p.val
1 0.1990122 0.7597165 56.47343 0.0000020
2 0.0259032 0.9484746 10.92392 0.2809602

It appears that only the first canonical correlation is significant (\(R_c^2 \approx 0.2, p < .001\)). Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a relationship between Type-A characteristics and health outcomes as represented by the full model. However, because the second canonical correlation was not significant, we cannot say anything about the subsets of the variable sets.

At least, not according to the procedure described in the syllabus and in Thompson (1991). Sherry & Henson (2005), by contrast, propose exploring all possible subsets of the variables. They write

There will be as many functions (i.e., variates) as there are variables in the smaller set, which in this case is four (the predictor set). Each function must be evaluated because some of them may not explain enough of the relationship between the variable sets to warrant interpretation.

Sherry & Henson (2005, p. 42)

I do not quite see what the use would be in testing the third and fourth canonical correlations, which have even less variance to work with, when the second correlation was not significant. But perhaps it would bring into question the value of the additional predictors.

4. Comparison of MMR and CCA

MMR offers more information about the unique effects of each predictor on the set of outcomes and on each outcome individually. It does allow for some correction to avoid “experimentwise” Type I error. However, it does not allow for a single test of the full model including the relationships between all independent and dependent variables.

CCA provides a simple test of the full model, as well as allowing for analysis of any residual variance that can be explained by a subset of the full model. However, obtaining the unique effects of each predictor requires additional calculations and would be easier found through MMR.


Dwyer, J. H. (1983). Multivariate Regression and Multivariate ANOVA. In Statistical models for the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 163–207). Oxford University Press.

Gonzalez, I., Déjean, S., Martin, P., & Baccini, A. (2008). CCA : An R Package to Extend Canonical Correlation Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software, 23(12).

Sherry, A., & Henson, R. K. (2005). Conducting and Interpreting Canonical Correlation Analysis in Personality Research: A User-Friendly Primer. Journal of Personality Assessment, 84(1), 37–48.

Thompson, B. (1991). A primer on the logic and use of canonical correlation analysis. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development, 24(2), 80.